
Water and Sanitation Specialist

Background / General description:
Innovation and partnership bond the five institutions of the World Bank Group (WBG): the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), which together form the World Bank; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. It uses financial resources and extensive experience to help our client countries to reduce poverty, increase economic growth, and improve quality of life. To ensure that countries can access the best global expertise and help generate cutting-edge knowledge, the World Bank Group is constantly seeking to improve the way it works. Key priorities include delivering measurable results, promoting openness and transparency in development, and improving access to development information and data.
The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) is a global partnership to help government clients improve their capacity to provide improved water supply and sanitation services to the poor. Administered by the World Bank with financial support from several donors, WSP is a decentralized program that operates through offices in Africa, East Asia, Latin America and South Asia. A major thrust of the program is to help its clients prepare for and implement actions towards meeting the water and sanitation (WSS) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In pursuing their mission, WSP staff provide technical assistance, analysis, and advisory support to projects and policies, help identify and disseminate best practices and lessons from experience across countries, assist clients in the implementation of pilot projects to test out new ideas and facilitate informal networks of practitioners and sector stakeholders. Additional information about WSP can be found on the program website ( WSP is part of the World Bank's Transport, Water and Information & Communications Technology Department (TWI) in the Sustainable Development Network (SDN) Vice Presidency.
WSP's FY11-15 Business Plan is based on a global strategy '˜FY2009-2018: Scaling Up Sustainable Services', which articulates WSP's proposed strategic response to identified sector challenges affecting the poor through capacity building, technical assistance and knowledge. The Business Plan identifies six business areas where the program could have the best opportunity to affect large-scale change in sector performance: scaling up rural sanitation and hygiene; creating sustainable services through domestic private sector participation; supporting poor-inclusive WSS sector reform; targeting the urban poor and improving services in small towns; mitigating and adapting WSS delivery to climate change impacts; and delivering WSS services in fragile states. These areas were identified through a process of embedding a results-based framework throughout WSP's country, regional and global work programs.
Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 2 year term appointment.
Duties and Accountabilities:
Over the last eight years, WSP has been assisting the Government of Mozambique to develop strategies for urban and rural water supply and sanitation, and these are now in place. The key challenges now being faced are in the development of institutional capacity to deliver on these strategies. In particular, a National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program (PRONASAR) and the National Water and Sanitation Board (AIAS) for secondary urban centres were legally established in 2009, and WSP Mozambique is providing high-level technical assistance to their development, as well as cross-support to World Bank investment in the secondary urban water supply sector.
There is a rapidly growing workload in this area as the new institutions and programs become operational, and WSP-Mozambique is being asked to take on progressively more tasks to support the development of new government-owned approaches towards increasing and sustaining service coverage.
WSP Africa is therefore seeking to appoint an experienced water and sanitation professional to support these emergent institutions and programs.
The post will require working closely with the National Directorate of Water (DNA), AIAS and other central and decentralized entities and service providers responsible for delivering the government's water supply and sanitation program in urban, secondary urban and rural subsectors. Additionally, the position will liaise closely with the World Bank's water supply and sanitation investment programs in Mozambique.
The Water and Sanitation Specialist will contribute to the work of the WSP-Mozambique team in:
a)Developing the new institutional framework for secondary urban and rural piped water supplies, including but not limited to:
  • Advising, formulating options and training National, Provincial and Local Government personnel in support of the development of the new institutions set up to implement the new delegated management framework for small piped water supply systems;
  • Developing options for management and investment financing in small towns piped water supply systems and building capacity in relevant agencies to develop investment programs;
  • Assisting regulatory bodies to develop tools for participatory benchmarking and tracking consumer satisfaction in small piped water supply systems;
  • Developing and overseeing the delivery of related training packages and exposure visits for operators and local governments.
b)Collecting and analysing field data on the sustainability of piped water systems and point sources, covering both institutional and management issues, and developing and monitoring the implementation of proposals for ensuring their sustainability.
c)Developing the national water and sanitation sector monitoring system, including but not limited to:
  • Support to scaling up the sector monitoring system, by contributing innovative ideas on training programs and materials, supervision of capacity development process, drawing of lessons learned, and sector coordination mechanisms;
  • Development of monitoring systems for peri-urban water supply and, especially, sanitation, linked with the development of new approaches to sanitation promotion and improvement.
d)Supporting delivery of the WSP-Mozambique work program on peri-urban water supply and sanitation, including but not limited to:
  • Designing and executing/supervising field research and pilot interventions;
  • Preparing detailed analysis and documentation of experiences, to be delivered in reports and presentations;
  • Developing working relationships with all key partners, so as to enable smooth implementation of the work program and improve coordination;
  • Developing training materials and delivering training sessions in relation to pilot implementation and replication of intervention approaches;
  • Providing cross-support to relevant large-scale interventions supported by Government, the World Bank and other sector partners.
e)Providing cross-support to World Bank activities in Mozambique relating to small piped water supply systems.
f)Providing inputs to WSP's global thematic teams and other international initiatives related to the above areas of work, and, when required, providing cross-support to relevant WSP and/or World Bank work in the region.
Supervision: The Water and Sanitation Specialist will:
  • Formally report to the Principal Regional Team Leader for WSP-Africa on all substantive and professional matters.
  • Operate under the authority of the Country Director for Mozambique and report to relevant staff of the country office on all matters concerning administration and the World Bank's relationship with Mozambique. (S)he will follow all the policies and guidelines applicable to the staff of the World Bank Country Office. (S)he will be provided with an office, PC and telephone connection in the World Bank Country Office;
  • Observe all rules and regulations governing staff conduct and employment.
Selection Criteria:
  • Master's or higher-level degree in a field relevant to WSP, such as social science, institutional development, economics, finance, engineering, or other field relevant to water supply and sanitation;
  • At least 5 years' experience in the Mozambican water and sanitation sector, with specific experience in rural and secondary towns water supply and a clear understanding of the delegated management framework;
  • Demonstrable experience and ability to work with clients and partners, to influence without dominating, advise on politically difficult reforms, and gain and retain confidence in a personal ability to deliver on required products;
  • Extensive knowledge of water supply and sanitation development, utility/institutional reform and public private partnerships, sector coordination and policy dialogue, and pro-poor strategy and program development;
  • Ability to work effectively in both Portuguese and English, both written and spoken.
Shown below are the competencies linked to this job:
  • Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena - Understands policy making process; distills operationally relevant recommendations/lessons for clients.
  • Policy Dialogue Skills - Identifies and assesses policy issues and plays an active role in the dialogue with the government and/or other stakeholders.
  • Integrative Skills - Works to develop an integrated view across all facets of current sector.
  • Water Policy, Strategy and Institutions - Solid understanding of water policies, strategies, institutions, and regulations.
  • Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure and Technologies - Direct experience with water supply and sanitation infrastructure and technologies.
  • Client Orientation - Takes personal responsibility and accountability for timely response to client queries, requests or needs, working to remove obstacles that may impede execution or overall success.
  • Drive for Results - Takes personal ownership and accountability to meet deadlines and achieve agreed-upon results, and has the personal organization to do so.
  • Teamwork (Collaboration) and Inclusion - Collaborates with other team members and contributes productively to the team's work and output, demonstrating respect for different points of view.
  • Knowledge, Learning and Communication - Leads in the sharing of best practice, trends, knowledge and lessons learned across units and with clients and partners, articulating ideas verbally and in writing in a clear and compelling way across audiences of varied levels. Fluency in English and French is desired.
  • Business Judgment and Analytical Decision Making - Analyzes facts and data to support sound, logical decisions regarding own and others' work.

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