
Consultant: Agriculture, market mapping and analysis in Malawi

Consultant objectives and activities: Undertake a detailed market mapping and analysis of the central & southern regions of Malawi by:
  • Undertaking desk review including basic statistics including but not limited to: annual production trends, volumes of trade from the target areas, end market quality requirements (exports, regional and national markets), possible market trends and its byproducts, major trends affecting the industry and its byproducts, the production costs and the economic analysis of the sector, pricing and packaging, etc.
  • Identifying the key primary actors within agricultural market systems: identify who they are, possible numbers, their key functions, and key operational challenges.
  • Evaluating the social aspects, such as participation and governance as well as to identify the chain captain(s).
  • Identifying the key support services (including business development services (BDS), financial services, and other supporting functions). Identify the challenges experienced in offering/accessing those services. Identify any gaps currently existing in service provision and why those services are absent or sub-optimally delivered; who can possibly provide such services. This should also carefully.
  • Examining the regulatory and policy framework as well as informal norms/rules that affect the agricultural sector, and secondary markets, outlining the key provisions, level of implementation and the challenges involved in their implementations. The consultation should recommend strategies that will strengthen advocacy activities and maximize engagement with policymaking processes, both locally and at national level.

Visit for full documents.
  1. Hard copies to the following address: GOAL BW 239, Smythe Road. Sunny Side – Opp. Story workshop P.O. Box 31807 Blantyre Malawi
  1. By email to the following address:

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