
Lecturer in Interior Design (3D Design Programme)

0.59 FTE - 22 hours per week
12 month fixed Purpose contract to cover Maternity Leave 
Applications are invited to apply for the post of 0.59 FTE Lecturer in Interior Design (3D Design Programme) to help support the existing team on delivery of modules related to this specialism across the levels.
Applicants should have professional experience in the industry and have experience working in HE teaching or will have experience in providing training in the workplace.
Applicants should also have an interest in trans-disciplinary practice and help support the team in developing these opportunities, with the emphasis on professional practice, including the development of ‘live’ projects that engage with relevant professional fields. The role will also require input to work with our overseas partners through short tours of up to two weeks duration in Hong Kong and India.
Applicants should be familiar with using Industry standard software and also a keen interest in presentation platforms such as InDesign, and Website and Blog development.
Closing Date: 21st July 2014         
Informal enquiries may be made to Jackie Norton 3D Design Programme Director, School of Fashion, Textiles and 3D Design
Tel (0121) 331 5802 email:
To apply please visit our website
Alternatively if you require the application in a different format please contact the Human Resources Department, Edge Building, Birmingham City University, City North Campus, Perry Barr, Birmingham B42 2SU. Tel: 0121 331 6693; email:
Please always quote the appropriate reference number.
Birmingham City University promotes equality of opportunity and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.
Birmingham City University seeks to be a single status employer and benefits include up to 32 days annual holiday, an index linked contributory pension scheme and an employee medical scheme.

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