
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor in Public Administration

The American University in Cairo -Department of Public Policy and Administration

Company Description:Founded in 1919, AUC moved to a new 270-acre state-of-the-art campus in New Cairo in 2008. The University also operates in its historic downtown facilities, offering cultural events, graduate classes, and continuing education. Student housing is available in both downtown Zamalek and New Cairo. Among the premier universities in the region, AUC is Middle States accredited; its Engineering programs are accredited by ABET, its Chemistry program is accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry, and the Management program is accredited by AACSB. The AUC Libraries contain the largest English-language research collection in the region and are an active and integral part of the University’s pursuit of excellence in all academic and scholarly programs. AUC is an English-medium institution; eighty-five percent of the students are Egyptian and the rest include students from nearly ninety countries, principally from the Middle East, Africa and North America. Faculty salary and rank are based on qualifications and professional experience. All faculty receive generous benefits, from AUC tuition to access to research funding; expatriate faculty also receive relocation benefits including annual home leave, and tuition assistance for school age children.
Job Description:The School of Global Affairs and Public Policy invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the rank of assistant professor / associate professor in the Department of Public Policy and Administration beginning in Fall 2014 or as soon as thereafter in the area of public administration and government regulations of the public sector, with an emphasis on the developing world. The successful applicant will demonstrate ability to develop a strong, externally funded research program, contribute to graduate teaching and master's thesis supervision, and participate in program development. Preferred areas of expertise include but are not limited to: Performance management and governance, public financial administration, regulatory reforms, regulation of business and the financial sector, and quantitative methods and analysis. 
Requirements:Ph.D. in public administration or a relevant discipline from a North American university preferred, particularly with postdoctoral research, teaching, and/or program management experience in a developing country. 
Additional Information:Review of application will begin now and continue until a suitable candidate is identified.
Application Instructions:All applicants must submit the following documents online:
a) a current C.V.; b) a letter of interest stating teaching and research interests. Short-listed candidates will be requested to provide a completed Personal Information Form (available on the site) and to have three reference letters sent directly to
For additional information about AUC, see For questions about the position, contact Dr. Shahjahan Bhuiyan (, chair of the search committee. 
To apply, please click the Apply button below.

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