The post of University Finance Officer will soon fall vacant at the
Central Office of the University of Malawi. This being the case, applications
from suitably qualified candidates to fill this highly demanding position are
invited from candidates who are mature, well motivated, with excellent
financial management skills, and knowledge and experience gained from heading a
finance department of a large and busy organization for not less than five
years. Only candidates that are prepared to operate in a challenging higher
education environment where deadlines have to be met should apply.
The University Finance Officer as head
of the Finance Department and adviser
to the Vice-Chancellor, the University Registrar and Principals on matters
concerning financial policy in the University of Malawi and is expected to
carry out the following:
1. Provide leadership to the finance department of the University of Malawi which is also
responsible for investment;
2. To manage the investment of short-term funds
and to advise the Vice-Chancellor and the University Registrar on long-term
investments and investment strategy;
3. To assist the Vice-Chancellor and the
University Registrar in resource mobilization for University of Malawi
4. Initiate, identify and negotiate in the
transactions relating to monetary evaluation of investments;
5. To be responsible for the efficient and
effective conduct of the University’s financial management in order to secure
proper financial control of the University’s business and to maximize the
return on its assets;
6. To take a lead in annual tripartite financial
(budget) negotiations among the government (Treasury), Ministry of Education and
the University;
7. To initiate and lead the University budgeting
process at both college and University wide level in liaison with College
Finance Officers;
8. To consolidate the University budget and
statutory accounts from individual college budgets and accounts respectively;
9. To implement and continue the development of
financial systems that are well integrated with other sources of data which
provide relevant, timely and accurate data to budget holders and University
Committees in line with the approved budget.
10. To develop manuals and guidelines for
accounting and procurement procedures and standards; tenders and bidding,
stores and inventories for use by University accounting personnel;
11. To serve as Secretary to the Finance
Committee and advise Council on matters of financial policy and administration;
12. To ensure that colleges are staffed with
qualified and experienced financial managers by advising the office of the
University Registrar on how it should recruit and deploy financial managers;
13. To work hand in hand with the University
Registrar, the University Internal Auditor and College Principals in the
exercise of ensuring that there is financial prudence in UNIMA;
14. To prepare for annual audit and take a lead
in assisting management in its response to letters from auditors and management;
15. To coordinate tendering procedures in liaison
with the Procurement Committee chaired by the University Registrar;
16. To take part in the strategic planning
exercise of the University and implement aspects of it that lean towards
17. To account to Council the financial
performance of the University;
18. To be a member of the University Office Procurement
Committee, the University Wide Management Committee and any other adhoc
committees that may require his/her expertise;
19. To provide support to the University of
Malawi Trust Fund; and
20. To carry out any other duties assigned by the
Vice-Chancellor and the University Registrar as stipulated in the University of
Malawi Act and its accompanying statutes.
An MBA/MA majoring in financial accounting and management
Working knowledge of ICT
and accounting packages;
Appreciation of how
trusts and public private partnerships operate and;
Familiarity with how
various forms of insurance schemes function.
Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding of core functions of the University;
Appreciation of the
challenges currently faced by the University of Malawi especially in the area
of funding;
Familiarity with how
entrepreneurial universities have developed and why;
Knowledge of how
income-generating activities at University of Malawi level could be enhanced to
broaden its financial base;
Surface conflicts and
address them proactively acknowledging different feelings and views and
directing energy towards a mutually acceptable solution;
Willingness to operate
under intense pressure;
Demonstrate and
safeguard ethics and integrity by being willing to take difficult but necessary
and unpopular decisions;
Facilitate and encourage
open communication and strive for effective communication;
Ability to work
independently as well as part of a team;
Very good organizational
Demonstrate informed and
transparent decision-making;
Encourage learning and
sharing of knowledge;
Stay composed and
positive even in difficult moments and handle tense situations with diplomacy,
tact and have a consistent behavior towards others;
Excellent leadership
skills with the ability to manage managers and achieve results through others;
Sound judgement,
analytical and problem solving skills; and
Flair and ability to
identify and deliver creative solutions.
The University of Malawi provides an attractive salary and benefits for
the post of University Finance Officer in accordance with the existing
emoluments structure.
Applications (3 copies) giving names and addresses of three traceable
referees should be submitted under confidential cover to:
The University Registrar,
University Office,
P.O. Box 278,
by 19th June, 2014.
The post is a four year contract one (renewable) on mutual agreement.