
Technical Officer

International Labour Organization

Geneva, Switzerland

Technical Officer Implementation ILO Declaration on Multi-national Enterprises 
Ref: RAPS/3/2013/ENTREPRISES/02 
Grade: P3 
Multinational Enterprises and Enterprise engagement unit 

Introduction: The position is located in the Multinational Enterprises and Enterprise Engagement unit of the Enterprises Department (MULTI). The department’s overall mission is the promotion of sustainable enterprises to achieve the ILO goal of decent work. MULTI contributes to this mission through the promotion of the principles of the ILO Tripartite Declaration on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration) to governments, multinational enterprises and the social partners (employers and workers organizations). It provides policy advice and technical support for the effective implementation of these principles and recommendations at the global and country-level. MULTI plays a central role in the ILO’s engagement with MNEs. It functions as the lead unit on corporate social responsibility (CSR), contributing to international policy coherence on the labour dimension of CSR and managing the ILO Helpdesk for Business on international labour standards. The position will specifically contribute to the outreach and capacity building activities. The position will report to the head of the Multinational Enterprises and Enterprise engagement unit.

Specific duties

1. Expand communication and outreach activities that enhance the ILO position and key messages on corporate social responsibility. 

2. Develop effective country-level intervention models, including public-private dialogues, based on the principles of the MNE Declaration and the specific needs of constituents in ILO member States, in close collaboration with other units in the Enterprises department, other ILO technical departments and ILO field offices.

3. Document intervention models and lessons learned regarding the successful promotion of the MNE Declaration and engagement with MNEs and develop tools (e-learning, toolkits, manuals, assessment/diagnostic tools) that provide evidence-based assistance to ILO constituents and multinational enterprises on maximizing the positive contribution of business to socio economic development and decent work. 

4. Develop specific expertise, ILO products to assist constituents in member countries and act as focal point in the area of MNE contribution to local economic development through backward and forward linkages to national enterprises and skills development as highlighted in the employment and training chapters of the MNE Declaration. 

5. Participate as resource person in capacity building activities on the labour dimension of CSR, together with the ILO-ITC in Turin and at the country-level. 

6. Draft project proposals together with other units in the Enterprises Department, other technical departments, ILO field offices and the ILO International Training Center in the area of the labour dimension of CSR that further ILO’s goals and respond to constituents' needs. 

7. Provide technical inputs to Office documents, especially the documents submitted to the MNE Segment of the Policy Development Section of the Governing Body, as well as International Labour Conference reports and other Office documents. 

8. Build partnerships with other international organizations and the donor community. 

These specific duties are aligned with the relevant ILO generic job description, which includes the following generic duties:

Generic duties

1. Undertake research and prepare analytical reports on selected subjects within the area of technical competence. 

2. Assess country experience (on selected topics) with a view to identifying best practices in finding solutions to problems identified. 

3. Provide technical inputs (articles, reports) for regional, country or related sectoral analyses, ILO reports and publications. 

4. Provide technical backstopping, project implementation and monitoring. 

5. Undertake missions for the purpose of providing technical recommendations on selected topics following ILO established guidelines, manuals and standards. 

6. Monitor and coordinate research carried out by external collaborators. 

7. Act as focal point on a specific field of specialization. 

8. Participate in training seminars and workshops as resource person. 

9. Represent the technical unit at international, regional and national fora.

Required Qualifications

Education: Advanced university degree in the relevant technical field. 

Experience: Three years’ experience at the national level and two years at the international level. 
Demonstrated experience in MNE contribution to local economic development, tool development and training activities are an advantage. 

Languages: Excellent command of English. Good knowledge of French or Spanish would be an asset. 

In addition to the ILO core competencies, this position requires: 

Technical competencies: Ability to participate effectively in technical missions and multi-disciplinary teams; capacity to provide first-line technical advice in the area of specialisation; the ability to conceptualise and design research techniques and analyse complex cross-national practices and data sets covering a wide range of issues in the specialised technical field; capability to guide and co-ordinate the work of external collaborators, general service staff or young professionals; ability to prepare reports and publications of a high quality, technically sound with conclusions leading to an action plan and programme development and ability to provide credible implementation assistance to senior specialists in carrying out research, project formulation and implementation. 

Behavioural competencies: Ability to communicate and differentiate ILO positions within the broader agendas on CSR, ability to establish strong interpersonal relationships and builds internal and external networks, ability to work in a multicultural environment and gender-sensitiv. 

To find out more about this and other vacancies at ILO and to apply please visit: 

Closing date for applications: 27th October 2013.

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