TheAfrican Union, established as a unique Pan African continental body, is chargedwith spearheading Africa’s rapid integration and sustainable development bypromoting unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples ofAfrica and African States as well as developing new partnerships worldwide. TheHeadquarters are located in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
Inseeking to achieve this objective, the African Union intends to strengthen itscapacity to perform by, among others, implementing a new organizationalstructure and filling all vacant posts.
- Post:
Job title: LegalOfficer (Judicial and Regulatory Affairs)
Grade: P2
Supervisor: LegalCounsel
Directorate: Officeof the Legal Counsel
Duty Station: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2. Majorduties and responsibilities:
Assist the Legal Counsel in theperformance of the following duties and responsibilities:
- Providelegal advice to all Departments, Directorates and Units within the Commissionas well as AU policy organs that will ensure legality in decision making andcompliance with the AU legal instruments with an emphasis on Administrative or LabourLaw;
- Providelegal services to the various Departments, Directorates and Units within theCommission and other AU organs on administrative matters;
- Participateand serve as a legal resource person in proceedings before the DisciplinaryBoard;
- Providelegal advice to all AU organs on the interpretation of AU Staff Regulations andRules as well as other legal AU legal instruments;
- Conductlegal research and proffer legal opinions on matters raised by staff members orlegal opinions sought by the Directorate of Administration and Human ResourceManagement;
- Draftand review host agreements between the AU and Member States;
- Adviseon administrative and disciplinary matters;
- Reviewand assist in drafting administrative contracts and agreements such as contractsof engagement of personnel, consultants and contracts awarded for theprocurement of goods or services;
- Participatein meetings of relevant legal nature on behalf of the Office of the LegalCounsel; and
- Performany other relevant functions as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
3. Qualifications
A University Degree in law with emphasis in the areaof Administrative or Labour Law. A Higher qualification will be add advantage.
4. Professionalexperience required
Fiveyears of professional progressively responsible experience in law with emphasisin Administrative or LabourLaw is required.Experience in legal analysis, research and writing is required. AHigherqualification will be add advantage
5. Otherrelevant skills
· Candidatesmust exhibit capacity to work under pressure in a multicultural environment;
· Excellentknowledge of the workings of international organizations;
· Gooddrafting skills;
· Computerliteracy.
6. Languagerequirement
Candidatesmust be proficient in either English or French and possess a working knowledgeof the other.
7. Tenureof Appointment
The appointment will be made on a fixedterm contract for a period of three (3) years,of which the first twelve months will be considered as a probationary period. Thereafter, the contract shallbe for a period of two years, renewable subjectto satisfactory performance.
8. Least Representative Countries:
Candidates from the following leastrepresented countries are encouraged to apply: Eritrea, Central AfricanRepublic, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (DRC), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea,Liberia, Mauritania, Namibia, Sahrawi Arab Republic, Sao Tome and Principe,Seychelles and Somalia.
9. GenderMainstreaming
The AU Commission is an equalopportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.
10. Remuneration
Indicative basic salary of US$ 29,287.00per annumplus other related entitlements e.g. Post adjustment (46% of basic salary),Housing allowance 14,414.40 perineum), education allowance (75% of tuition andother education related expenses for every eligible dependent up to a maximumof US$7,800.00 per child per annum), etc for internationally recruited staff ofthe Commission.
Applications must be madethrough the AUC E-recruitment Website
Directorateof Administration and Human Resource Management
AfricanUnion Commission